Senin, 25 Juni 2012

K e L a D a ( Kelas Lapan Dua )

I'm student of SMP N 6 Balikpapan ..
My classroom is in 8.2 !
I really love this class .. there I learned about LOVE :)
and I found my first Love :)
not felt for a while we will grade 9 ..
and I'am afraid i can't classmates again with him ..

Me with 8.2 :)

Yeaay .. they're my friends in class 8.2 :)
can't forget u all :)

Girls 8.2 :)
They're so beautiful :)

Never forgetten our memories ..
When we laugh , sad , annoying and until we're fell in LOVE with our classmates and become in a relationship :)
u're rock guys !!
I'll remember you' all my friends :)
I'am very happy to have friends like you all !